Friday 18 May 2007

The Beginning.....

So here it goes....
Have been thinking a lot about writing diary entry stuff for quite some time now...after hours of spending time looking for a suitable name, alas...I got one!!!
I have always looked out at the future for the next most exciting thing coming it the trip to Singapore, in my early school days...or simply buying a new pack of Brylcreem...:)
Possibility of someone visiting this page in the ocean of the www is one in a million....but if you just, by a matter of fact, have landed here, lemme tell you that this is just my personal space where I dump my mind after a busy day or when I am alone with myself....and today as I write the first pages...I am quite alone in a place where I have to spend the next 8 weeks...
May be I'll turn up sometime to read all the stuff that I have poured in...and there is quite a high possibility of that as I get quite nostalgic at times.....or maybe this page would get deleted due to inactivity for a very long time...I don't know what the pages would look like in the time to come......

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